Ultra-Modular IBC Spill Pallets® (Indoor)

Ultra-Modular IBC Spill Pallets® (Indoor)

Storing multiple IBCs, totes or tanks can take up a lot of room, and a lot of money. But with the Ultra-Modular IBC Spill Pallets, it can take up less of both. By connecting the containment sumps and sharing walls, these units offer an economical solution that takes up a relatively small amount of space.

Product Highlights:

  • Each IBC tank sits on a heavy-duty spill pallet with a capacity of 9,000 lbs UDL.
  • Each of the low-profile spill pallets has a containment capacity of 75 gallons and measures 62″ x 62″ x 8.75” H.
  • Any number of the modular spill pallets can be connected together with bulkhead fittings. Two (2) bulkhead fittings are used to connect one pallet to the next.
  • To increase containment capacity, a 65-gallon capacity expansion tank is available.
  • “Flow-through” bulkhead fittings (1.25-inch diameter) are used to connect spill pallets and expansion tanks together.
  • Bulkhead fittings allow spills to be channeled throughout the containment system, thereby “borrowing” containment capacity from adjacent spill pallets and expansion tanks.
  • Constructed of 100% polyethylene, eliminating the potential for rust and corrosion. They offer excellent chemical resistance to a broad range of chemicals including acids, solvents, and oils.


Available as:

Part #1125 – Ultra-Modular IBC Spill Pallets, 2 Tank Model, 186 x 62 x 11” H, 280usg sump, 310 lbs
Part #1126 – Ultra-Modular IBC Spill Pallets, 3 Tank Model, 248 x 62 x 11” H, 355usg sump, 435 lbs
Part #1127 – Ultra-Modular IBC Spill Pallets, 4 Tank Model, 279 x 62 x 11” H, 365usg sump, 531 lbs
Part #1128 – Ultra-Modular IBC Spill Pallets, 5 Tank Model, 310 x 62 x 11” H, 375usg sump, 625 lbs
Part #1118 – Required Assembly Kit (Includes Hole Saw, Arbor and Set of 2 Tightening Tools), 2 lbs


Part #9630 – Spill Pallet Only – 62 x 62 x 8.8” H, 75usg sump, 140 lbs
Part #1124 – Expansion Tank Only, 61 x 31 x 12.5” H, 65usg sump, 30 lbs
Part #1117 – 2″ Bulkhead Fittings, Set of 2, 3 x 3 x 3” H, 2 lbs