Silt Fence

Silt Fence

Silt Fence is a temporary silt control device that helps prevent silt contamination of sensitive areas such as neighboring properties, streams, rivers, lakes and sewer catch basins. Silt Fence is constructed of woven geotextile fabric on wooden or steel posts; not designed to filter particles but to create a containment system to allow the deposition of particles.


  • Preassembled with posts attached to fabric
  • Marker line on fabric shows anchor depth
  • UV stable fabric



  • Around inlets and catch basins
  • Around perimeter of disturbed areas
  • Toe of cut and fill slopes
  • As small sediment containment system
  • Stream and waterway protection
  • Silt containment on construction sites

Available as:

Part #SF-100 – Silt Fence – Black Fabric, 6′ post sp. 36” H x 100’