The Jumbo pH Tape can be used in conjunction with the Tri-Pac, the Six-Pac and any T-Pac configuration. The complete Tri-Pac Portable Hazmat De-Con Shower is ideal as a multi-station hazmat decontamination system. In a matter of minutes, a three-stage portable hazmat de-con shelter is ready to use. Victims can disrobe in the first shower, be decontaminated in the middle shower and finally re-robe in the last shower. In case of mass decontamination, the compete Tri-Pac Portable Hazmat Shower gives much more flexibility to adapt to any specific hazmat incident.
- Classroom demonstrations
- Hospital labs
- General labs
- Industrial
- Food service
- Safety
- Emergency
- Agricultural testing
Available as:
Part #PHT-2153 – Jumbo pH Test Tape, 8oz