Harbo Boom

Harbo Boom

Oil spills become major disasters when there’s nothing on-site to stop oil from spreading. Don’t wait for oil spill responders to arrive, improve oil spill response with rapid containment technology!

The T-Fence is an oil spill first response system developed to immediately stop the spread of oil. It’s a lightweight boom that can be deployed by anyone in just 15 minutes as it requires no special equipment.



Instead of relying on massive, bulky equipment and a large team of skilled professionals, HARBO presents a lightweight and portable system that can be deployed by just two people in less than 30 minutes, controlling oil spills right at the source. By quickly stopping the spread of oil, the T-Fence drastically reduces the consequences of oil spills.


  • Small storage footprint
  • Lightweight
  • Short training


  • Excellent oil containment
  • Unlimited lengths
  • Hydrodynamic and aerodynamic


  • Immediate oil containment
  • Rapid deployment
  • Requires only two people
  • No additional equipment


  • Quick collection
  • Disposable

Available as:

Part #T-6 – Harbo Cartridges – 15m / 50′ ft of boom stored in 19.6 kg cartridge