De-Con Portable Hot Shower Wand

De-Con Portable Hot Shower Wand

The De-Con Portable Hot Shower Wand hooks up easily to a De-Con Hot Shower System.

The De-Con Portable Hot Shower Wand is ideal when using a De-Con Shower decontamination system in cold temperatures. Just connect the de-con shower wand to a Portable Hot Shower System and turn it on! This spray wand includes shower hose and head. The water temperature is easy to adjust, even with gloves on. The De-Con Spray wand is for use with a De-Con Shower which is for ambulatory and non-ambulatory use as well as primary and secondary decontamination. The spray wand has a 25 foot, high-pressure hose and a hand-held, 9-pattern sprayer. The Quick Connect Fittings can hook up easily to the Shower Wand or a De-Con Shower Systems.


Hazmat Decontamination isn’t only for victims- it’s also for the hazmat team. After cleaning up a hazardous material spill, hazmat personnel may need to be decontaminated. This is where a Portable Hazmat De-Con Shower with a De-Con Spray Wand is an ideal fit! A Portable Hazmat De-Con Shower with a De-Con Shower Wand can be used as a single unit or staged for large-scale events. The Portable Hazmat De-Con Shower with De-Con Spray Wand sets up in less than three minutes or less than ten seconds when pre-staged. You can bring a Portable Hazmat de-Con Shower to the scene; don’t create another hot zone!


  • 25-foot, high-pressure hose
  • Easy to use
  • Hand-held, 9-pattern sprayer
  • Quick Connect Fitting hooks up easily to a De-Con Hot Shower Systems

Available as:

Part #PHS-050-W – De-Con Portable Hot Shower Wand with 25’ hose, 6 lbs