Encapsa Berm

Encapsa Berm

Encapsa Berms are designed to provide short-term spill containment for a leaky or damaged drum. With a roll top enclosure secured with cam buckles and straps an airtight seal is created. They are made of PVC fabric and work much like a rafting dry bag. The berms completely encapsulate 30gal or 55gal drums, providing 360-degree protection from drips and spills. Encapsa Berms are outfitted with lift d-rings eliminating the danger of perforating the berm with fork lifts or other equipment.


What makes the Encapsa Berm special? Small footprint: This one-of-a-kind secondary containment product for drums has almost zero footprint.

The Encapsa Berm can be stored in tight places to meet environmental containment and recovery regulations. Perfect for aviation transport secondary containment.

Available as:

Part #940024201 – Encapsa Berm, PVC 19″ dia x 51″ H, 9 lbs (for 30gal drum)
Part #940024200 – Encapsa Berm, PVC 27″ dia x 44″ H, 10 lbs (for 55gal drum)